Beloved wife of Jose Vasquez, loving mother of Eduwigis (Jose Herrera), Ernestina (Jaime Quintero), Beatriz (Benito Lara), Veronica (Efren Cahue), Lorenzo Vazquez (April Vasquez). Dear Grandmother of Oscar Quintero, Dennis Herrera, Osbaldo Quintero, Jessica Quintero, Karen Lara, Michael Lara, Stephanie Lara, Lorenzo Vasquez, Rene Cahue, Alex Vasquez, Joshua Vasquez and Kristin Vasquez. Devoted Daughter of Miguel y Rogelia. Fond sister of (late) Guadalupe, (late) Juan, (late) Aurelio, (late) Maria, (late) Sofia, (late) Moises, Maria Ramos, Gilberto Herrera. Funeral Services Wednesday, June, 27th at Mary Queen of Heaven Church for 10:00 AM mass from the Sourek Manor Funeral Home, 5645 W. 35th St., Cicero, to St. Leonard Church for Mass; Interment Queen of Heaven Cemetery.Visitation Tuesday, June 26th from 3:00 to 8:00 for more information please call 708-652-6661.